Notifications with xmonad/irssi/urxvt

So I’ve been idling on irc for years now and I’ve been using irssi for that, which works fine. I have not had notifications enabled, so I can see from the statusbar whenever someone messages me. As I’ve never been very active this has been fine, but now I figured it’s time to fix that.

Fortunately it was very easy, there’s even a perfect match for my setup in the xmonad documentation!

Here’s a summary:

Configure xmonad

In xmonad.hs, highlight with existing dzen (my statusbar).

myDzenPP h = defaultPP { ... }
main = do
    bar <- spawnPipe "dzen2 ..."

    xmonad $ withUrgencyHook NoUrgencyHook $ defaultConfig {
        logHook = dynamicLogWithPP $ myDzenPP bar
        , ...

Configure irssi

I used to only notify on selected channels.

settings = {
  "fe-common/core" = {
    bell_beeps = "yes";
    beep_when_away = "no";
    beep_when_window_active = "no";
  "perl/core/scripts" = {
    beep_channels = "#treecraft";

Configure screen

In .screenrc

vbell off # or remove the existing 'vbell on' line

Configure rxvt

In .Xdefaults

urxvt.urgentOnBell: true