Hearthstone on Wine

I like Hearthstone and recently the next expansion Goblins vs Gnomes so I wanted to install and play it. It didn’t work in vanilla wine, with a “time out error”, but I found a bug report which makes it work. Here’s a short summary:

Get wine source from git. My version was wine-1.7.30-121-g6fe4d9e.

Make shlexec.patch inside the source directory

@@ -, +, @@ 
    Revert "shell32: Use CREATE_NEW_CONSOLE when SEE_MASK_NOCONSOLE is omitted."
    This reverts commit 2005be6dc92c0943ede01525cecad88f8e83c9c7.
--- a/dlls/shell32/shlexec.c	
+++ a/dlls/shell32/shlexec.c	
@@ -338,7 +338,7 @@ static UINT_PTR SHELL_ExecuteW(const WCHAR *lpCmd, WCHAR *env, BOOL shWait,
     startup.dwFlags = STARTF_USESHOWWINDOW;
     startup.wShowWindow = psei->nShow;
-    if (!(psei->fMask & SEE_MASK_NO_CONSOLE))
+    if (psei->fMask & SEE_MASK_NO_CONSOLE)
         dwCreationFlags |= CREATE_NEW_CONSOLE;
     if (CreateProcessW(NULL, (LPWSTR)lpCmd, NULL, NULL, FALSE, dwCreationFlags, env,
                        lpDirectory, &startup, &info))

Before make run

patch -p1 < shlexec.patch

Then do make and make install as normal and have fun with Hearthstone.