2015 in Review

Previous reviews: 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013 and 2014.

2015 Geek Achievements

  1. Finished my university studies and got a Master in Computer Science.
  2. Discovered a new boardgame love: Android Netrunner.
  3. Finished top 4 in my first Netrunner Store Championship.
  4. Won a small local Netrunner tournament.
  5. Completed my master thesis about recommender systems.
  6. Participated in the 48 hour game making competition Ludum Dare 33 with Groar.
  7. Actually styled this website a little bit.
  8. Achieved 12-kyu at online-go in Go.

2015 Non-Geek Achievements

  1. Took the kids to TKD competitions.
  2. Achieved 1-Kup in Taekwon-do.
  3. Started working at Configura where I spend my time doing systems programming in their homegrown language CM.
  4. Read 9 books.
  5. Wrote 26 blog posts.
  6. Played a bit of A Game of Thrones: The Card Game (second edition).
  7. Got new boardgames: Istanbul (very good), Homesteaders (really underrated) and Aquasphere (quite ok).

2015 Failures

  1. Read far too few books.
  2. Did not build my custom keyboard.

Plans for 2016

  1. Take care of Veronica.
  2. Achieve 1-Dan in Taekwon-do.
  3. Construct a custom keyboard.
  4. Read more books.
  5. Play more card games.